Else Tekstil San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.
Else Tekstil San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.
Else Tekstil San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.
Resim Yok
Resim Yok
Resim Yok

Firma Bilgileri

Kuruluş Yılı : 1993
Üretim Kapasitesi : Ayda 900 ton iplik, 600 ton örgü ve terbiye kapasitesi
İhracat Yaptığı Ülkeler : ABD, Rusya, Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri, Afrika, Asya, Güney Amerika.
İthalat Yaptığı Ülkeler : Çin, Hindistan, Bangladeş, Özbekistan
Faaliyet Konusu : Recycle İplik ve Kumaş
Toplam Kapalı Alan : 65500 m²
Toplam Açık Alan : 89000 m²
Kuruluş Yılı : 1993
Üretim Kapasitesi : Monthly production of 700 ton of fiber and 800 ton of colored yarn
İhracat Yaptığı Ülkeler : USA, Russia, European Union countries, Africa, Asia, South America.
İthalat Yaptığı Ülkeler : China, India, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan
Ürettiği Ürünler : Fiber and colored yarn
Faaliyet Konusu : Fiber and colored yarn production
Toplam Kapalı Alan : 42000 m²
Toplam Açık Alan : 80000 m²
Firma Hakkında : ELSE has stepped into the textile field with cotton yarn production facility in 1993. The production plant was buiIt on an outdoor area of 80.000 m² with 42.000 m² indoor space in Çorlu. It has started to export open-end and ring yarn to many countries of the world especially in Europe and America. Investments were followed by knitting facility and finally fully automated yarn dyeing facility in 2007.
As ELSE, we have transformed our existing Çorlu factory into regenerated (recycled) fiber and colored yarn production facility in 2018 with state-of-the-art technology with the purpose of keeping pace with this development in the world and putting our experience.
Our facility with a monthly production of 700 ton of fiber and 800 ton of colored yarn has started production at full capacity as of May 2018.

İletişim Bilgileri


Adres : Hıdırağa Mah. Fatih Cd. No: 157Çorlu - Tekirdağ / Türkiye
Telefon : 0282 6535200
Faks : 0282 6535206
E-Posta : [email protected]
İnternet Sitesi : www.else.com.tr


Adres : Çobançeşme Mah. Sanayi Cad. Nish Residence No : 44 A Blok Kat:11 D:6034197 Bahçelievler - İstanbul / Türkiye
Telefon : 0212 4226670
Faks : 0212 4228584
E-Posta : [email protected]
İnternet Sitesi : www.else.com.tr
BİZE ULAŞIN Zafer Mahallesi Şehitler Cad. No:6 Çorlu Tekirdağ - Türkiye PK59850
TELEFON +90 282 651 10 96
FAKS +90 282 651 35 10